1 min read

Rich and Strange: "Nkásht íí" by Darcie Little Badger

In this week’s Rich and Strange I take a look at Darcie Little Badger’s “Nkásht íí,” published in Strange Horizons.

Josie and Annie are friends in ill fortune, homeless runaways who offer to listen to people’s problems on the street. One day a man tells them the story of how he lost his wife and infant daughter in a car accident—except he’s certain that his daughter survived, only to be stolen away by an owl-eyed woman who looked like his dead wife. Josie and Annie head out to Willowbee, the Central Texas town in which the accident took place, to see what they can learn about what happened, their own voices and histories weaving in and out of the plot before pulling it to a taut conclusion.

It’s a really, really good story. Do check it out!

