Ripped Bodice Event + New York City Comic-Con!

Friends! I'm in New York City! I haven't been since 2019! Getting here was smooth and good and now these events are no longer speculative and I want to take this opportunity to tell you about them again!
Wednesday, October 16, at 7PM: Ripped Bodice Event

I'm so excited to take part in When Fantasy and Romance Kiss, a ticketed event at The Ripped Bodice, with Carissa Broadbent, Sara Raasch, Sarah Beth Durst and Tamara Fuentes! Apparently the first 25 ticket holders will also receive an arc of The River Has Roots, which I'm more than happy to sign! And the ticket price converts into store credit, so you can buy whatever you like (and, I imagine, place pre-orders, should that be of interest!)
October 17-20: New York Comic-Con!
After that, I'm scheduled for some stuff at NYCC! I've never been and am very excited and mildly terrified! No one has ever once said a nice thing about the Javitz centre within earshot of me! I expect to get lost and wander the dealers' room like a small child at her first theme park.
But here's where you can find me for sure:
- Build a World with Fantasy Authors
Sun, Oct 20, 2024 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Room 1B02 - Build a World with Fantasy Authors - Post Panel Book Signing
Sun, Oct 20, 2024 • 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Location: Hall 1A: Author Autographing
I'll sign whatever you bring me (within reason, like, let's not make this weird), and love to meet new people, so please don't be shy about introducing yourselves!
I also hope to descend on bookstores and sign whatever stock they have of This Is How You Lose the Time War so I'll report back on which ones I've managed to hit up.
Now if you'll excuse me I have to reacquaint myself with this city I've missed so deeply.
Wishing you all the best,

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