Some Reading Recommendations for 2015 Award Consideration
I read A LOT of stuff last year. I’m still trying to sort through it to figure
out what
Rich and Strange: "No Vera There" by Dominica Phetteplace
This week
I look at a story from the ever-excellent Clarkesworld
Linkstravaganza: Uncanny Issue #1 and the BUTT Panel
A bouquet of links for you today!
First,Uncanny Magazine [] has launched
NPR Reviews: Heap House, The Accidental Highwayman
Here are a couple of books I’ve recently enjoyed and reviewed for NPR Books:
The Accidental Highwayman
NPR's #BookYourTrip Summer Reading List
NPR Books has done something a little different
[] with this year’s summer
Reading Dialect in Celeste Rita Baker's "Name Calling"
I’ve seen a lot of discussion about the use and representation of dialect in
fiction recently, sparked off by
Review: The Memory Garden by Mary Rickert
My review of Mary Rickert’s The Memory Garden is now
Covered in Bees: Reviewing Laline Paull & Dave Goulson
My double-header review of bee books is up at NPR today
My review of Siri Hustvedt’s The Blazing World is up
Video, Radio, Text: A Ubiquity of Links
I feel like a month’s worth of doings have been crammed into the first three
days of this week.