3 min read

THE RIVER HAS ROOTS Out Today! Find Me on Tour!

THE RIVER HAS ROOTS Out Today! Find Me on Tour!

Dear Friends,

Against all odds, today is March 4th. Which means – as it has meant for months and months that vanished into a hole in my pocket – that The River Has Roots is out in the world.

A hardcover copy of THE RIVER HAS ROOTS on a bookshelf, being admired by a small cartoonish sculpture of a wide-eyed purple beast clasping its little hands and grinning a buck-toothed grin.
My own feelings winsomely captured by one of Leslie Levings' Beastlies!

Should you wish to support its journey, you can do any of the following!

  • Buy the book wherever it’s sold, in whatever format (hardcover, audio, ebook!) suits your fancy! On today this day of launch you can get signed stock from Perfect Books in Ottawa and the Barnes & Noble at Union Square. (I also signed a bunch of copies of This Is How You Lose the Time War at both places.) Also if you're in the UK, Waterstones has a special edition of 2500 copies that contain signed bookplates!
  • Join me TONIGHT at 7:00 PM at Books Are Magic in Brooklyn, where I'll be in conversation with the magnificent Helen Rosner! Ticket price buys you the book, and I'll be signing afterwards!
  • Find me on tour! After Brooklyn I'll be in Portland ME, Chapel Hill, Cincinnati, and St Louis! More on that below!
  • Request it into your local library!
  • If you’re enjoying the book, or even if you're just looking forward to it—talk about the book! To your friends, in person and on social medial, review it on your favourite book review website—or just let me know! We authors thrive on the knowledge that we’ve given you something, joy or tears or that incandescent mix of the two. Probably the single nicest non-monied thing you can do for an author is share the enthusiasm you genuinely feel for their work.

I'm writing this from a hotel in Brooklyn, having successfully crossed the border yesterday (a triumph all around, since now you won't have to pay an extra 25% to see me, haha trade wars are so funny oh god what are we even doing), while beautiful warm kind messages pour in from all platforms wishing me a Happy Book Birthday, and it's suddenly All Real.

My little book is really out. My sister and I really recorded music for the audiobook. I am really, for real, On Tour, in a way I couldn't let myself believe until the border was behind me, and now it's all hitting at once: that I'm going to be in a new city every day starting tomorrow until Saturday, and I'm in the United States for a whole month, and I get to see dear friends I've long missed and meet new readers for the first time and talk about The River Has Roots and how much I love my sister for as long as people will listen.

Speaking of listening!

I've done a bunch of interviews about The River Has Roots recently and you can listen to and read some of them right now!

I have to go run around the city and hug as many friends as possible within the next 18 hours so I'll leave that there for now!

My book! IT'S OUT! AAAAHH!

Wishing you all the very best in this coming whirlwind of a week,


Selfie in which I'm wearing a fuzzy black beanie, wide square-ish glasses, my dark hair in a side braid over a white tank by Yoshi Yoshitano printed with black roses surrounding a sword and embellished with clusters of red berries, and a small black padlock necklace. I'm holding up a copy of THE RIVER HAS ROOTS and smiling.