Weird Fiction Storybundle -- One Day Left!

Jeff VanderMeer has graciously included The Honey Month in his Weird Fiction Storybundle, a collection of works from Cheeky Frawg Books. This delights me, as it places me in the company of Michael Cisco, Karin Tidbeck, Desirina Boskovich, and Leena Krohn, not to mention Jeff himself — his latest collection of stories is available too. You can read more from Jeff about the bundle here.
It’s an excellent bargain, only good for one more day: for a minimum of $3 you get five DRM-free e-books (including mine!), and for a minimum of $12 you get eight (including Karin Tidbeck’s Jagannath which is seriously freakin’ amazing and which I would pay $12 for alone! Heck I already have!)
But from where I stand as an author, it’s even more wonderful, because my royalties are 65% of The Honey Month‘s share of the bundle. So if you’ve ever wanted to support me and my work in a way that buys me groceries and takes me to the occasional con, this is a great way to do it — while also supporting a generous, adventuresome publisher and getting a really splendid collection of other people’s books. You can also adjust what percentage of your money goes to authors and what percentage goes to Storybundle.
This bundle vanishes, never again to be repeated, on Wednesday, July 24! So help yourself to it while it lasts. Alternately if you’d like the print edition of The Honey Month (which includes Oliver Hunter’s illustrations), you can still get it from Papaveria Press, and, as well as The Book Depository.
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