1 min read

Attack of the Space Unicorn Limericks

So Uncanny Magazine is for real a thing! It hit every last one of its stretch goals! I couldn’t be prouder of Lynne and Michael Thomas, or more excited to be part of their project.

unicorn_finalHowever! Last night, while excitedly watching the numbers, I started a betting pool with Michael in Gchat over how many backers there’d be. With 17 hours to go he was sure they wouldn’t get beyond 975; I was adamant that there would be at least 1000. So I decided that if there were 1001 backers — 1000 besides myself — I would do something ridiculous.

Like, I d’know, read out some hastily penned limericks in honour of Uncanny Magazine’s Space Unicorn mascot while wearing a silly hat. On video.

I’ve never done any video blogging prior to this, so forgive the rough effort; it was done in one take and I don’t know my angles. But here it is nevertheless, born of sheer enthusiasm for sillyness and Space Unicorns and delight at a project’s success.


[vimeo 104658758 w=500 h=281]

Space Unicorn Limericks from Amal El-Mohtar on Vimeo.

