Friday Open Thread (with Star Wars)
Friends! This is occurring so late in the day, for which I apologize — I went to
see The Rise of
Friday Open Thread (with courage)
If all goes well, by the time you read this I will have turned in all the
marking (grading) I
This Is How You Draw the Time Prize!
Giveaway winners! Please reply to this email!
13 Birthday Giveaways
10 enamel bird pins, 2 hardcovers, 1 paperback, & a partridge in a pear--no wait
Time War Double-Signed Book Giveaway!
Hello! This is a thread in which everyone subscribed to this here Substack can
enter a draw to receive a
Time War Enamel Pin Giveaway for International Sign-ups!
Friends! Remember when I said, lo these many months ago
[], that I was going