Down and Safe: Episode 3 - Pink Leather Fire Hydrants
Last week, the third episode of Down and Safe
[], the podcast where
QDSF Lightspeed Column: Queer Communities
My review column
in the Queers Destroy Science Fiction(#QDSF) issue ofLightspeed is now
Down and Safe: Episode 2 - Worshipping Brian Blessed
The second episode
Queers Destroy SF + Uncanny Magazine 4B
Well, it’s June. June is a thing that is happening. I am distracting myself from
how very June it
NPR Reviews: Naomi Novik's UPROOTED and Hannu Rajaniemi's COLLECTED FICTION
I have been reading books! Amazing books! Great tremendous books! Here are some
things I have written about those books!
PodCasts: Rocket Talk and Down and Safe
I’m learning to accept that as much as I’m a regular blogger in my head, the
reality is
Angels of the Meanwhile
Elizabeth McClellan, stunningly talented poet and good friend, has had a run of
really dreadful medical-insurance wrangling, detailed here
Two Reviews and a Reading: The Grace of Kings, The Hobbit Films, and The Eaters
It’s wonderful in a whirlwindy sort of way when things you’ve been working on
for a couple of
Hugo Puppies and the News
I live in a very rural place, and have for about half my life. Living where I do
has always
Rich and Strange: "The New Mother" by Eugene Fischer
This week on Rich and Strange