Review: SHADOW SCALE by Rachel Hartman
My review of Rachel Hartman’sShadow Scale, the sequel toSeraphina, is now up at
NPR Books
Rich and Strange: "And You Shall Know Her by the Trail of Dead" by Brooke Bolander
copyright 2015 Galen DaraThis week’s Rich and Strange
looks at a
Rich and Strange: "Tiger Baby" by JY Yang
[]copyright 2015 by
LikhainThis week’s story
Review: TOUCH by Claire North
My review of Claire North’s utterly brilliantTouch is up at NPR Books
Rich and Strange: "In Loco Parentis" by Andrea Phillips
January was full of settling back in to life in Canada — or rather, figuring out
ways to navigate remaining thoroughly
2014 Award Eligibility - Short Fiction and Goblin Fruit
Last year was the first year I made a living from writing: a mix of reviews,
articles, games, poetry and
Some Reading Recommendations for 2015 Award Consideration
I read A LOT of stuff last year. I’m still trying to sort through it to figure
out what
Rocket Talk + Fulcrum Interview
A couple of weeks ago, at Justin Landon’s invitation, I had
"The Truth About Owls" Reprinted at Strange Horizons
I’ve been bursting with this for a while: “The Truth About Owls,” my story in
Kaleidoscope: Diverse YA Science
With Apologies to Rabbie Burns
Once upon a time, lo these many years ago, CSE Cooney and I were on the
phone, chattering. I said