Attack of the Space Unicorn Limericks
So Uncanny Magazine [] is for real a thing! It hit every
last one of its stretch goals
Nine Worlds Schedule
And here is my Nine Worlds schedule
LonCon3 Schedule
My LonCon3 schedule, let me show you it! It’s pretty packed. I’ll note up front
that in addition
Upcoming Appearances: Nine Worlds, LonCon3, Waterstone's Glasgow Argyle St
I have existed in a near-constant state of travel since June 25, and it’s far
from over! But here’
Two Kickstarters: Alphabet of Embers & UNCANNY
I’m involved in the following two projects being funded through Kickstarter, and
very excited about them both.
Three Reviews of Four Books Up at NPR
I’ve been travelling for the last month and change, but am momentarily
stationary enough to mention that the following
Weird Fiction Storybundle -- One Day Left!
[]Art by Jeremy ZerfossJeff VanderMeer has
graciously includedThe Honey Month in hisWeird Fiction Storybundle
My Readercon Schedule
My Readercon schedule, let me show you it! I can’t freakin’ believe I booked an
autograph session. I’ll
NPR's #BookYourTrip Summer Reading List
NPR Books has done something a little different
[] with this year’s summer
Women Destroy Science Fiction: Texts in Conversation
In reviewing Christie Yant’s editorial inWomen Destroy Science Fiction,Ryan
Holmes of Tangent Online imagines a fable