Two Reviews and a Reading: The Grace of Kings, The Hobbit Films, and The Eaters
It’s wonderful in a whirlwindy sort of way when things you’ve been working on
for a couple of
Rich and Strange: "The New Mother" by Eugene Fischer
This week on Rich and Strange
Lightspeed Column: Aqueduct Press' Congress of Ghosts
[]Today is the day my
firstLightspeed Magazinecolumn goes up online! You can read
Review: PERSONA by Genevieve Valentine
My review
Review: SHADOW SCALE by Rachel Hartman
My review of Rachel Hartman’sShadow Scale, the sequel toSeraphina, is now up at
NPR Books
Rich and Strange: "And You Shall Know Her by the Trail of Dead" by Brooke Bolander
copyright 2015 Galen DaraThis week’s Rich and Strange
looks at a
Rich and Strange: "Tiger Baby" by JY Yang
[]copyright 2015 by
LikhainThis week’s story
Review: TOUCH by Claire North
My review of Claire North’s utterly brilliantTouch is up at NPR Books
Rich and Strange: "In Loco Parentis" by Andrea Phillips
January was full of settling back in to life in Canada — or rather, figuring out
ways to navigate remaining thoroughly
Rich and Strange: "The Boatman's Cure" by Sonya Taaffe
Happy New Year, and welcome back to Rich and Strange! I took a