1 min read

Winter 2014 Issue of Goblin Fruit is Live!

Oyez! You may be beset by the cheerless grudge of an unending winter, but LOOK! There is a new issue of Goblin Fruit here to cheer your chillest hours!

Containing delightful poems by Catt Kingsgrave, Sonya Taaffe, Alexandra Seidel, Jack H. Marr, Seanan McGuire, Kristina McDonald, Sally Rosen Kindred, Peg Duthie, and Kellelynne Riley, as well as art by the amazing Zarina Liew, it is a bright place in the dark, a cold glistening coin from which the snow is half receding. Enjoy!

In other news, Goblin Fruit now also has a Patreon page; almost more than subscribers, what we’re looking for at present is suggestions on how you’d like to see us use it, and what kind of incentives might nudge you into parting with your precious lucre.

Here’s to an imminent spring!

