Reading Dialect in Celeste Rita Baker's "Name Calling"
I’ve seen a lot of discussion about the use and representation of dialect in
fiction recently, sparked off by
Review: The Memory Garden by Mary Rickert
My review of Mary Rickert’s The Memory Garden is now
Covered in Bees: Reviewing Laline Paull & Dave Goulson
My double-header review of bee books is up at NPR today
May Day Miscellany: Lightspeed, Kaleidoscope, and the Auroras
So many wonderful things happening, I must separate them with numbers!
1) Two of my poems, “Lost”
Review: Najwan Darwish's NOTHING MORE TO LOSE
[]My review of
Najwan Darwish’s Nothing More to Lose
Kim Harrison: The Good, the Bad, and the Bad-Ass
Today marks the 10-year anniversary of Kim Harrison’s Hollows series,
Min Fami, Mythic Delirium 30, and Rhysling Nomination
So much poetry news!
[/content/images/wordpress/2014/04/min-fami.jpg]I was delighted yesterday to
receive my contributor copies
A Bird is Not a Stone: Kickstarter for Contemporary Palestinian Poetry
“Roof Series: Satellites,” by Raed IssaYesterday, editors Sarah Irving and Henry
Belllaunched a
A Weight Off My Shoulders
So this was me a few days ago.
This was me earlier today.
This was me a little later earlier
Save for a Haircut -- Two Wits
I have made an appointment to cut off almost all my hair on Friday — about 20
inches — and I am