Letter of News: Lose the Time War - in Paperback!
Dear Readers,
It’s been hard to remember what day it is over the last few — but today is a really exciting one for Max and me! This Is How You Lose the Time War is out in paperback!
Behold it! Admire it! Chuck me under the chin for having gotten the release date wrong in my last promotional newsletter! TODAY is the day you can fill your hands with its supple blue spine, finger-step into its sexy step-back, pore over correspondence not intended for you (but also only intended for you, yes, you).
While the UK edition has been in paperback from the get-go (with FRENCH FLAPS, I love how each edition has its own seductive specialness!) the North American paperback edition is a little different, and includes a book club discussion guide at the end for extra fun.
In these unprecedented times, several independent bookstores are offering delivery options; my hometown bookstore, Perfect Books, is maintaining reduced hours and definitely has plenty on hand. Here are some other places you can order from for your convenience:
Barnes & Noble
Chapters Indigo
There are still hardcover copies available (8th! printing!), but I don’t expect them to remain so for very long, so if you’d like to run your hands over some beautifully embossed cloth birds instead of parting a bright red page of praise from its peers, seek them out at your earliest convenience.
LeVar Burton Reads
Speaking of Max and excitement — international treasure LeVar Burton is reading one of Max’ stories on LeVar Burton Reads! “A Kiss With Teeth,” Max’ absolutely incredible short story about vampire dads and post-life crises, is available to listen to right now. This story looms large in the origins of my friendship with Max; I love it utterly, and I hope you’ll give it a listen, or read it with your eyes if you prefer!
I can’t really articulate with words what an enormous honour this is for us millennial kids who grew up on Reading Rainbow and Star Trek: the Next Generation — when I got the news that LeVar was reading “The Truth About Owls,” I burst into tears in a Portland sandwich shop to which I can never now return without disguise. It’s a huge deal, and I’m so proud of and happy for Max.
That’s all for now — take care of yourselves and each other, dear friends.
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