2017 Winter Solstice: Hermitage & Candles
The last of the shortest day’s light is dimming. Across from me is Rima Staines’
“The Storyteller
EATING THE FANTASTIC: Revisiting Helsinki with Scott Edelman
It’s November 17 and I haven’t yet written about the summer. “Blog the summer”
has migrated through three
NPR Review: THIS MORTAL COIL by Emily Suvada
Nothing quite signals the approaching end of the year like the number of reviews
I have left to write. This
This Is How You Lose the Time War
Navah Wolfe took the above photo at World Fantasy in Saratoga Springs, 2015,
October: A Summary
I feel like if I don’t start writing about all the beautiful things I’ve
experienced this year, they’
NYT Review: THE POWER by Naomi Alderman
If you blinked at the title, well, I’ve been doing that for about a week. I
wrote a review
Upcoming October Appearances: Can*Con, Surrey International Writers' Conference
It’s all gone a bit autumn at last, and part of me breathes easier for it, even
as deadlines
NPR Reviews: AN UNKINDNESS OF GHOSTS by Rivers Solomon and THE RULES OF MAGIC by Alice Hoffman
So many amazing books have come out these last two months, and it’s been my
privilege to read and
Last Days
It’s 33 degrees Celsius outside, and depending on how long I’ve been sitting in
cool conditioned air, it
NPR Reviews: SHADOWHOUSE FALL by Daniel José Older + AUTONOMOUS by Annalee Newitz
More reviews! So many reviews!
First, my review
of Daniel José