Sour Milk, Bitter Herbs, and a Word Containing Grief
If you're in Canada, this informational google doc is updated almost daily with information, scripts, and direct actions
Friday Open Thread (with Small Mistakes)
Dear Friends,
I had a different topic in mind for today's thread, drafted earlier in the week
– but
Friday Open Thread (with Comfort)
Dear Friends,
It's Friday, it's a new month, and I want to ask you about comfort
Friday Open Thread (with Pizza)
Dear Friends,
Every now and again, Twitter yields up a beautiful thing. Here is one of them:
EATING THE FANTASTIC: Revisiting Helsinki with Scott Edelman
It’s November 17 and I haven’t yet written about the summer. “Blog the summer”
has migrated through three
I don't think you're ready
…for this jelly.
And not counting the pile by