Nevertheless, She Persisted
In the wake of some truly beautiful poetry being unexpectedly spoken by
His Hands Are Small, We Know
If you lived in North America and listened to the radio a lot in 1998, chances
are the title of
Review Column in March Issue of Lightspeed
[/content/images/wordpress/2017/03/img_2439.jpg]It’s the first of a new month,
and with it comes
Social Media Hiatus: March 1 - April 1
I’m taking a break from social media again. No one thing occasioned it — I’ve
just been craving the
"Seasons of Glass & Iron" Nominated for a Nebula Award
Today the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America announced the finalists
for the 2017
Template: Call & Write to Your MPs About Bill C-23
I read this article
yesterday about Bill C-23 and I haven’t
Gita Hashemi at CUAG
Today I took my poetry workshop students on a field trip of sorts.
Gita Hashemi [] is a
Uncanny 14B Podcast: "To Budapest, With Love" by Theodora Goss
The second half
[] ofUncanny
issue 14 is up now, and includes Theodora Goss’ “To Budapest,
I’ve fallen behind on sharing these, so here’s a round-up of my last few reviews
for NPR Books.
2016 in Creative Work
Merry Imbolc, Candlemas, Groundhog Day. This is a season of signs, of waiting
watchfulness, of trusting that the light and